Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.
~Brian Tracy
Getting into the habit of goal setting will keep you from cramming
at the end of the week- You know how I feel about cramming-
it leads to loss of valuable information- information you need to retain!
I have added a link to the right for a weekly goal setting chart.
Setting goals will help you get through this class. After Monday (President's Day) and Easter- there will be no holidays until the end of class. This will be
grueling if you do not have a goals set-up to make it through.
But I KNOW you can do it! So start practicing now!
Everyone's week will look different. My sons Josiah and Daniel have
different schedules, as Josiah is gone most of Thursday to volunteer
@ church, so he has to make different decisions as to how much to
put on each day. Daniel thought that goal setting was overwhelming
to do- but once we go the form filled out, he could see how
freeing it was to only have a few things to worry about each day!
"The habits of the child become the character of the man."
Weekly assignments will be a little different too. Sometimes I have
you watch more videos than others, or more vocabulary will be included
as the semester continues on- so goal setting can help you adjust
to the weekly changes.
Goal setting directions:
~Print your goal form.
~Take it to your mom's calendar and write the dates in for that week.
~Look at the assignments I gave you for the week.
~Make decisions about how much you will do for each day,
depending on your schedule.
~Enjoy your week- because you can chillax!
Happy mapping,
Mrs. Richardson