
Week 9: Southern Asia & Economics (India)

ORGANIZE: your notebooks! Please sort out all the homework I passed
back on Monday and put it in its proper place. It will save you
time the next time I ask to see if they are in order, which could
be at ANY time. ;0)

PRINT: Goal setting chart and fill in this weeks assignments if you need to.

DRAW: 6 outlines of South Asia- draw boundaries & label each
country, just like I have outlined for you.
Draw 2 world maps, Label ALL seas and Oceans we have studied so far
(look at your key items lists)

PLAY: Russia & the Near Abroad Drop & Drag online game

PRINT: South Asia maps: Key Items List & 12.1 & 12.2

ECONOMICS: Watch "Economics: Fundamental Economic Concepts" (28:45)
WRITE OUT: Take the quiz at the end of the video- write it out
on a sheet of paper.

WATCH: on howstuffworks.com
South Asia: Land and Resources (21:02)
South Asia: Countries and Major Geographical Regions (3:49)
South Asia: Himalayan Mountains (1:48)
South Asia: Agriculture (6:49)
Discovery Atlas: Slums of Mumbai (1:39)
Discovery Atlas: Geography of India (2:49)
Sketches of the World: India (5:04)
Basic Concepts Of Economics: Scarcity (3:27)
PRINT: Video List for your mom to initial

~Organized notebook
~labeled 12.1 & 12.2 maps
~6 outline maps (boundaries & countries labeled)
~2 World maps (label all seas & oceans we have studied so far.)
~video list pdf
~Economics Quiz- written out on a sheet of paper.
~Extra Credit notes:
(on videos over 3 minutes, 20 min video notes= 5o pts.)

Notes: Bangladesh Notes
Misunderstanding the Free Market